You may be sve with the messages as if it is the first time you have played the game. When you have saved all, Exit the application and safely remove the usb from the computer, and plug it back into the PS3. The message should read "Files Saved successfully". Once that is blac, click "File", and "Save Assett". If you don't have a scooby-doo what Gae mean, then just ignore that. Try re copying you data after loading single player and zombies too, or closing and re-opening the application. If you get an error, you have either got missing GPAD0 files or the application bugged. When it is open, Click "File" and then "Find Folder". Call of Duty: Black Ops Save Game Files for PlayStation 3 - GameFAQs Once the gamesave editor and NET framework have been installed, open The editor. Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Saves - Game % Completed.Red-EyeX32 - Black Ops Game Save download - 2shared.Call of Duty: Black Ops Save Game Files for PlayStation 3 - GameFAQs.