Tiny Being’s Ring - gives player a small increase to HP when worn.Master Key - used to open several locks across Lordran.Binoculars - used to see faraway sights.Twin Humanities - consumable item used to acquire two Humanity and heal HP.Black Firebomb - 10 Black Firebombs that explode on impact, dealing more damage than normal Firebombs (Usually used for defeating first boss early).Goddess’s Blessing - Divine Blessing, a rare healing item that fully restores HP and removes any negative status effects.Here is a short list of the available starting Gifts and a description for each. Either way, the cosmetic entries are all self-explanatory and simply decide how your character will look while they make their way through Lordran. I will admit, these examples come from personal experience. All except Class and Gift are entirely cosmetic, meaning you can make a petite girl that easily wields greathammers or a hairy man with neon pink pigtails that prefers to be naked at all times. The eight required fields on the character creation screen are as follows: Name, Sex, Class, Gift, Physique, Face, Hair, and Color. Before we can tackle our main topic however, let’s clear up what all the other character creation options mean. To do this, we’ll take a quick look at the equipment and attributes each class has and even recommend an “early goal” that compliments the various playstyles. In this entry of the Dark Souls Rundown, we’ll be taking a look at the game’s starting classes in an attempt to help new players decide which one will match their desired playstyle best. Articles // 23rd May 2018 - 3 years ago // By Tyler Schurwan Dark Souls - About Gifts and Classes